Posted in My midnight blues

It could be me, it could be you

In the last couple of days, we all heard the news of the Typhoon in The Philippines. This country is far away from us and maybe we think we don’t have a role to play in this tragedy.

It appears that since I am blogging I got into interaction with people all around the world. And this helps me to see, we are not human beings limited to the borders of our countries. We belong to the world. And as one, we should assist and help each other.

We may think that, what is happening to all these families in not part of our history. We are wrong. Everything that happens to one of us, happen to us, as individuals or nations. We need to answer their call for help. Cause tomorrow it could be us. Cause it could be our children. It could be our loved ones. And because these people are part of our future too, they are part of our life. They are the links of the big chain crossing seas and continents. We are all brothers and sisters, in time of joy and in face of hardships.

There are many ways to be there for others. A word. A donation. Time or a prayer.

I remember, a year ago, when I could not handle it anymore, people were there for me. From all around the world, Canada, New-Zealand, The Philippines, Singapore, The US, England, Egypt, Morocco, France, Ireland, South Africa, Denmark, India, Saudi Arabia, Thailand. they supported me, they signed a pledge to never abandon me. Some were friends. Some were strangers, like the two airplane hostesses, calming my sobbing and pain, as I was crossing the sea, leaving behind the life I built and a lost love. They were there and I will never forget their presence, their words, their kindness, their love and friendship. Never ever. Even if we are miles away and even if we never meet in this life.

We need to be there for one another. Children of God, our duty is to support and help each other. There is no one way to act. And deep down in our hearts, we know which way is our way.

My friends, be blessed and today in your prayers, remember the ones in need of help and love.

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J'ai l'âme poète...

11 thoughts on “It could be me, it could be you

  1. Tu es une belle personne Marie et je suis fière et heureuse de te connaitre.
    Je t’embrasse très fort, ainsi que tu bébé d’amour.
    Bisous !!!!!


    1. C’est tres tres gentil Nancy.
      Nous aussi nous t’embrassons fort. Beau weekend a vous deux!


  2. It is so easy for people to turn a blind eye and say well it is not happening to us.

    It could just as easily be us, and wouldnt we want help if it was. It is easy to just go on with our lives and forget the suffering of others.

    We are all one…and we must help in any way we can.

    Hope you are well hun! x


    1. Well said Foz.
      When we will start looking at people as if they are our brothers and sisters, we will start doing good and helping each other. It’s not so hard to do.
      Love to you all. xx


  3. Thank you so much for your sensitivity in writing this post, Marie. It is overwhelming to see how many different countries are praying and helping the survivors of this killer typhoon. This is proof that God never sleeps. And not one typhoon can destroy the goodness left in the hearts of human kind.

    Stay safe always, my dear friend. God bless! ♡


    1. Nothing can destroy love and kindness. Nothing can defy God. We should all rejoice in this knowledge, we are never alone.
      Take care my dear and stay safe. xx


  4. Well said, Marie!
    We are all connected and we don’t know when a simple smile or touch might change another’s life.

    So let’s share some Love ♥


    1. Thanks Heloise.
      We should stay tuned and keep sharing love with one another. It’s the best way to keep the world going on.
      Take care.


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